You have 14 days from the receipt of your order to make the return request. The return is your right and will always be accepted if you follow the steps below.

  • It is NOT possible to replace the goods with a different product.
  • Our return procedure only allows the refund of returned items.
  • Only one return request can be made per order.
  • The shipping costs for sending the return are at our expense only if the return is made according to the following procedures.
  • Returns returned with procedures or couriers other than those indicated by us will not be accepted.


Follow these simple steps to request a return.

Send an email by entering:
– Order number
– Attach a photo of the product
– Write the reason for the return
Send to:

Wait for confirmation to start the return procedure and specific instructions for your case. For returns from non-EU countries, we will send you further information relating to customs clearance;

Pack the items received safely (possibly in the original packaging), apply the shipping label on the packaging and enter the completed return request inside.

At the end of the procedure, you will receive, depending on the case, a refund of the amount paid with the same payment method used in the order. Alternatively, you will receive a new shipment of product (s) to replace the damaged or non-compliant one (s).

Upon verification of the integrity of the product (as per the General Contract Conditions), the cost of the item / s will be reimbursed while the shipping costs incurred for the order will be retained by Oleificio R.M. Spa.